Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Monday, February 10, 2003


1. Coupled Map Lattice: Local grid interactions
- model diffusion and other PDE's via interaction of neighboring cells
- give it a nice rendering!

2. Image Evolution:
- genotype: LISP s-expression
- phenotype: image on screen - compile s-expression to shader
- evolve ala geneatic algorithms
- work with Karl Sims

3. IPV6 Application Contest

4. Create a Mac OSX demo!!!!

5. Physics Engine (Maxwell's Demon):
- use CrystalSpace as a starting point
- focus on molecular dynamics or quantum mechanics
- the ultimate goal would be to create an immersive mathematical-science learning game. the metaphor of the "game" is critical here since it willb eused as the basis for the entire system. Science as a game...a competition between nature and human. the knowledge learned from this stuggle should be treated as a kind of commodity to be traded or lent (maybe as some kind of toolkit - think Greg Egan). A goal would be to create an dynamic, immersive environment where players "play" math , physics, etc.
- another goal would be to create a nanomachine simulator. The Nanosim would be used by nanodevelopers to design the nanomachines themselves!!!!